The Social Warriors

The Social Warriors

[A report from project visit to Nepal, Nov 2013 by Krit Sharma]

The Social warriors

Summary of the report:

Nepal Village Foundation (NVF) has been promoting girls’ education project since 2009 in rural villages of Nepal (Bhagawatpur). Due to lack of resources and capacity in our partner organisation (Hamro Samaj Nepal), we have been unable to accelerate our project activities. The recent project visit turned out to be very productive and the capacity is also improving. These improvements indicate that the project activities should be taken to the next level to make a greater impact on the community. What was the experience from the visit, what actions were taken, why and how things will move forward? These all are highlighted in this report. The project activities have expanded to three village panchayats now, and over ninety girls who are in most need of an education will be supported. Until now, we have been supporting only twenty five girls from one village panchayat.

Our target is to bring every child into regular schooling from the villages over the next three years. There are twelve small villages in the three village panchayats and to ensure that target is achieved, we have a local village representative in each village. The representative will monitor pupils in their village closely and report to the project assistant who has been hired recently. The project assistant will monitor attendance of all students from school attendance record as well and make regular visits to the villages where necessary. The project assistant will also report to NVF on regular basis which will enable NVF to see what is happening from the UK. School teachers are also supportive because more pupils means a greater income for their schools. But school’s infrastructures are in dire need of repair and need some investment. Figure 4 and 5 gives some ideas about condition of schools in the villages.

Read the complete report at Project Visit Report Nov 2013 PDF

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