Nepal Village Foundation is organising a Nepalese Style BBQ on Saturday the 12th of September 2015 at 3pm to raise funds to support the Girls’ Education Project in Nepal.
Nepalese style summer BBQ is one of the NVF’s annual fundraising events. It has been a reliable source of income to support the work we do in Nepal and it also helps us to get in touch with and know our supporters better. NVF supporters are from around the world so the event is very multicultural socialising opportunity too.
Kindly, could you please confirm your attendance at the earliest by text on 07954376665 or by email- [info at]. We suggest a donation of £20 per person towards the cost and to support the project but you can donate any amount you like and your generosity will be appreciated.
The venue is near Canada Water Station and the address will be shared with participants in a week advance. Please mark your diary, invite your family and friends and see you there.